Bob and Roberta Smith (London, 1963) is a British contemporary artist, activist, writer, broadcaster, musician and arts education advocate. He is a Royal Academician and in 2017 received an OBE for services to the Art.
Much of Bob and Roberta Smith’s art is explicitly political and he uses craft letter-writing techniques to produce signs, banners and posters that convey their ideas. These colourful slogans challenge elitism and advocate the importance of creativity in politics and education.
Bob and Roberta Smith is a patron of the Big Draw and the National Society for Education in Art and Design. He has curated numerous public art projects, including the 2013 Art Party, to promote contemporary art and advocacy. His work has been exhibited internationally and can be found in public and private collections, such as the Tate Collection (London), the British Council Collection (London), the New Art Gallery Walsall (Walsall) and the Goss Michael Foundation (Dallas).
Abbiamo solo bisogno gli uni degli altri, 2023
Cosa unisce le vite umane è grande e meraviglioso, cosa le divide è piccolo e meschino, 2023
Ribelle con amore, 2023
Vai in galleria ad innamorarti, 2023
There is still art there is still hope, 2023