Will Cruickshank

Will Cruickshank has a multidisciplinary practice which includes sculpture, film, photography, and printmaking, alongside machines and participatory works.

His recent practice has focused on making objects through the development of experimental machinery, materials, and production methods. This began in three grain silos in Essex, which he converted as studio spaces in 2015.  Often repurposing equipment such as cement mixers, bikes, or potters wheels he has devised complex makeshift weaving machines, improvised lathes, printing presses, and water carving techniques.

This period of research was funded by Arts Council England through 2018-19. 

Material, machine, and maker, each take their turn in leading or resisting outcomes and it is a sensitivity to this push and pull that drives the work.  It is a practice grounded in learning by doing, and thinking through making.

Will now lives and works in Devon, where he set up a new studio this year.

Will Cruickshank
Triple Phase Wall Hanging (Green-Mauve-Yellow)
mixed yarn and wood
cm 190 x 75 x 3
For more information, please contact the gallery

Triple Phase Wall Hanging (Green- Mauve-Yellow), 2020

Will Cruickshank
Radial bookmatch no. 1
water carved plaster and thread, mounted on plywood
cm 110 x 110 x 3
For more information, please contact the gallery

Radial Bookmatch No. 1, 2020

Will Cruickshank
Colour Field Triangle No. 1
mixed yarn and wood
cm 68 x 73 x 2
For more information, please contact the gallery

Colour Field Triangle No. 1, 2021

Will Cruickshank
Sliced Spindle Series 2: No. 8
mixed yarn and wood
cm 51 x 24 x 10
For more information, please contact the gallery

Sliced Spindle Serie 2: No 8, 2019

Will Cruickshank
Colour Field Triangle No. 2
mixed yarn, wood, nails
cm 68 x 74 x 2
For more information, please contact the gallery

Colour Field Triangle No. 2, 2021

Will Cruickshank
plaster, pigment and thread
cm 49 x 30 x 30
For more information, please contact the gallery

Cone, 2021

Will Cruickshank
Double Rhombus
mixed yarn, wood, nails
cm 97 x 90 x 3
For more information, please contact the gallery

Double Rhombus, 2023

Will Cruickshank
Sliced Spindle Series 2 N.15
mixed yarn and wood
cm 113 x 31 x 16
For more information, please contact the gallery

Sliced Spindle Series 2 N.15, 2019

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